
"Architecture is not about what you like but finding a best solution. You can wear what you like, it is fashion that works for couple of years. Architecture is to have values lasting for hundreds of years."
Martin Boles


How to download a wider and higher resolution of Google Imagery

A nice usefull trick. In firefoy, for capturing use FireShot plugin, other one mentioned in video is not working properly.


Shared space example

I am working on one project right now and I have find out this video

It was posted on this blog http://urbanusvulgaris.wordpress.com/


Annoying dimension extension line in AutoCAD

Just as a help when drawing, I decided to post some hints from time to time. This anoying thing is happening when placing small dimensions in your drawings.

Command: DIMFIT, and you can enter values 0 - 5
My favorite is 5, where you can freely move dimension where you need without carrying about extension line.